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How to Write a Wedding Thank You Speech with Examples

After all the stress you have encountered from wedding planning to the event itself, you should never forget to thank everyone. Aside from planning the perfect wedding, you would also want a perfectly written wedding thank you speech. In this article, I will provide you with tips and a sample to do just that.

Generally, the first thing you have to do is to think of everyone you would like to give appreciation. Next, write the things you would like to thank these people. You would want to keep your wedding speech personalized and completely original. Once you’re done writing your script, practice delivering it. It is important that you also check for the time so as not to bore your wedding guests with a long speech.

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Most common questions about wedding thank you speeches

What should be included within the thank you speech?

In doing a wedding speech, prepare a list of who you plan to thank for your wedding thank you speech. The wedding guests, wedding vendors, wedding coordinator, best friends, family, in-laws, maid of honor, best man, and of course your husband are just some of the people you may give a shout-out to in your bride speech.

General Outline of Wedding Thank You Speeches

It would be nice to start with something such as a joke or a short story to lighten the mood. Then proceed with thanking the very special people who have been with you on this joyous occasion. Make them feel how grateful you are. Make it a point to have a punchy end to your speech with a toast.

Say Some Words About Specific People

Tell everyone a short story [that could be funny] to start your speech. This may apply to your best friends, family, in-laws, and of course

How Long Should the Speech Be?

A wedding thank you speech should be short and sweet. It may last for two to five minutes as long as the wedding guests do not look too bored.

Thank your loved ones

Their mere presence makes this event really special. Not to mention the support that they have given you your whole life. Make sure to add them to your list!

Mention Specific People

Some might feel even more special when you mention them in your speech. These may be from your closest family or friends. It wouldn't hurt to give them a shoutout on this wonderful day.

Use Audience-Friendly Language

You want everyone to understand you and feel how grateful you are. It may be better if you speak informally to make it sound more authentic.

Detail a Wish for Your Guests

Thanking your guests would also entail a hopeful wish for them that they may also feel as special as you on this special day.

Describe What This Moment Means to You

You have waited a long time for this wedding so you would want your audience to know that in this marriage you have found someone that gives you unconditional love. Isn't that what a lot of people have dreamed of? Now you have it so talk and talk about it!

Practice Your Speech Out Loud

This is a great way to overcome your fear of public speaking. It may also make you more confident ad familiar with your speech.

Maintain Appropriate Eye Contact

This makes the thank you speech more personal. But do this with caution as eye contact lasting a little too long may come off as creepy and we don't want that.

Add Some Humor

As mentioned, this may serve as an icebreaker when the emotions are just running too high. Make it a point to at least give your guests a little laugh.

Overcoming Your Fear of Public Speaking

You may practice your speech in your room as many times as you want before the big day or find someone who can serve as an audience to help you.

Exhibit some facial Expressions

You do not want to look too robotic. Of course, you need to express your feelings to your wedding guests. This also makes it feel a little less boring.

Say Some Words Of Gratitude To All The Guests

Each and every one invited to your wedding is surely a special one who have allotted time for your wedding so make them feel that you are grateful.

Do Not Make It Too Long And Boring

You can personalize your wedding speech however you want to but again, do not make it too long and boring. You can add your love story and no one will bat an eye except if you make it a long one.

Sample Wedding Thank You Speech

Here is a rather long and intimate example of a wedding speech

I am not really good with public speaking so I would like to begin this speech with a story. When I was little, I would always plan the perfect wedding. I would pick up little flowers from our garden, arrange them into the most beautiful bouquet I have ever seen, and run up to my room. I would then grab my blanket and wrap it around my body pretending to be a dress. Put little clips on my hair and tie it with a bow. Oh! Of course, a perfect wedding would not be complete without a partner, right? I’ll pick my favorite stuffed toy and spray it with the sweetest scent I have. Then, I would start the ceremony, giggling throughout what I thought was the most romantic thing I would ever experience once I get older.

Then I got a little older. A lot of things have changed. I have matured but I am still that same little girl who once dreamed of the perfect wedding. Although I have stopped to pretend to kiss my stuffed toys, I still dream of the sweetest and most romantic kiss of my life. I have watched tons of romantic comedies to try to tweak my perfect wedding plan. I just want everything to be perfect and to my liking, because I believe that this should be the best moment of my life. I believe I had everything all planned out except for the man I will share this perfect moment with. Oh how I have prayed and wished so hard to all of the gods, saints, and whatever people believe in to help me find my perfect man. Each day I wake up and whisper to the heavens, “please help me find him today.” I just could not wait any longer to celebrate this joyous event.

Days, months, seasons, and years passed. I am now standing here in front of that man I prayed and wished so hard for. This man turned my world. I believed everything I watched in romcom movies was what would happen to me. But boy was I so wrong. I thought that the hardest part of a wedding was choosing your gown. Spoiler alert: it was writing the vows. I have not prepared for this. In all those silly weddings I had when I was little, the vows were not there. I mean, how could I even put into words everything this man had done for me? Much more to fit into a short speech. So I have been stressing a lot with the vows and I guess I have delivered successfully. I sure hope I did.

My childhood dream of sorts would not be possible without the help of a team of people. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude first to my dear wedding guests who have willingly shared their time with us today to celebrate another milestone in life, thank you. I know you all have busy schedules and whatever things you have planned. This time that you shared with us means so much to me and is more than any gift we could ask for. We hope you still continue to support and pray for us as we embark on this other journey as husband and wife. I also hope you have enjoyed the food we just served.

Second, to our amazing wedding team. The servers, caterers, wedding planners and coordinators, florists, singers, designers, and photographers. We would really like to thank you a lot for helping us make this the perfect wedding. You have really relieved us from a chunk of the stress by lending us your helping hand and making sure this event would run smoothly. You have made this seemingly small and regular event look so grand and beautiful. You guys were the real backbone of this event. You made it so much easier for us. For that, we will always be thankful to you. Thank you also to our presider for making this event a solemn one and sharing with us the grace from the heavens.

Next of course would be our loyal and tireless bridesmaids and groomsmen. You have been with us from the beginning of this wild journey and you have also helped in making this a memorable one. You have always got our backs. You have been extra cooperative in whatever ideas we throw to make this more personalized for us. From picking the right dress to picking the right flowers and to photoshoots and all you guys never complained. Well, you guys are our friends so I think I should add picking the right partner? Kidding aside, I sincerely thank you all for everything you have done for us. You guys are the realest!

Fourth would be for my family, mommy and daddy. My parents who have birthed me into this world. Hey, partner! You should also thank my parents because, without them, you would not be standing here with the most beautiful person you have ever met who also happens to be the one you're going to spend your future with. Going back to my parents who have nothing but love for me. Who has always been so supportive of me. The people who I run to first. The two people who have provided every single need that I have. Thank you. I may not have said this often to you guys but I really do thank you for everything. You have taught me a lot of valuable lessons that I will surely bring with me for life. You raised me to be the best version of myself. Yes, I have made mistakes but you were the first ones to correct me without feeling that that mistake would forever define me. Thank you for guiding me.

To my new parents, the parents of my loving partner. I am really excited to join your family. I am looking forward to the new memories I would create with you. I am positive that these will be happy ones. Just like my partner, I would really like to thank you for raising this person to be a good one. Thank you for blessing us with this wonderful person. Of course, I would also like to thank you for being very supportive of our love. I know I can always count on you for whatever things I would need. Thank you for welcoming me with warm and open arms to your family.

Lastly, to my dear husband. I have been dreaming of this day since I was a child and here I am today in front of you, my perfect man. Thank you for being so patient with me. Yes, the wifezilla thing at weddings is real and yes this man had held my hand all throughout and remained calm. The effect of the stress of wedding planning on me did not even bother you. God, I’m so thankful that you are a patient man. I hope you stay that way for a long time. We have been through a lot of challenges and I am sure we would encounter more so I thank you for still choosing to be with me. I have said a lot during our vows and I still have a lot more to say but those will never be enough to describe how thankful I am that you are the one I am marrying.

So, to everyone invited here today as our wedding guests to celebrate this next chapter of our lives, cheers! Thank you for coming and enjoy the wedding reception and let’s all use the dance floor. May you all find your perfect partners.

Short Sample Wedding Thank You Speech

Here is a short and sweet one:

To everyone who shared this special occasion with us, thank you. Our wedding day will not be as special as this one without all the support that you, our dear wedding guests have given us. Thank you to our entire wedding party, family, and friends.

To my wedding entourage, you all look beautiful tonight. Thank you for your patience and support. I really do hope you enjoyed the food here at the wedding reception.

To my best friend who has helped me this whole journey, I really do appreciate everything you have done for me.

To my parents, mom and dad thank you for supporting us all throughout. Thank you for providing us with our needs and guiding us every step of the way.

To my partner's parents, I am excited to be a part of your family. Thank you for the warm welcome and I look forward to the new memories we will share with each other.

To my lover, thank you for loving me unconditionally. This dream wedding of mine has come true because you are the one standing here beside me.

Let us now proceed to the dance floor and dance our hearts out. Cheers, everyone!


Writing speeches may be a bit overwhelming to some but I wish this article has helped you come up with the best you can. If public speaking is not for you, well there can always be alternatives such as a poem, a song number, or a dance presentation. It is your choice as long as you make your wedding guests feel appreciated. Do not forget to rest before the big day!

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Annabel Law

Annabel Law has 15+ years experience as a wedding photographer. Annabel Law Productions has shot over

600 weddings in Singapore and overseas. She is the only female Canon EOS master and she has been

featured in Straits Times, Business Times, Mothership and many more. Annabel offers wedding photography, wedding videography and boudoir photography services. 

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